Inform 7 Feature for Eclipse

Inform 7 Feature for Eclipse

The Inform 7 Feature for Eclipse is a set of plug-ins which will support cross-platform development of interactive fiction projects in the Inform 7 language. As such it will provide a "third-party" alternative to the default Inform 7 IDE. Why?

There is a price to pay, of course, in terms of the user interface "clutter" and perhaps additional conceptual complexity, both of which were consciously avoided by the specialized standalone Inform 7 IDE. Predictably, the Inform 7 Feature will be most attractive to people who already know and love Eclipse.

The current alpha version works under Linux, Windows and OpenSolaris/x86. However, it is not feature complete compared to the default Inform 7 IDE. At present, you should probably install this version if...

Whether and how far this open source project progresses depends on your involvement and feedback, so feel free to ask questions, give your suggestions in the forums, or contribute source code directly.